Welcome to our Overhead Crane Training and Certification Program. Our program has a fantastic track record of helping hundreds of those who operate Overhead and Gantry Cranes become certified with the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO).

Our 2 day national overhead and gantry training course includes:

  • Students receive their own full color Student Workbook
  • Students receive a current copy of ASME Safety Standard
  • All sessions are designed to instruct the Domains cited by NCCCO
  • Sample Test questions follow each training session
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!


Both cab operated and pendant operated controls


Overhead and Gantry Crane Training Certification Program

Many are surprised to learn industry reports show accidents associated with Overhead cranes are as prevalent as those in the Mobile Crane Industry. If you need further proof that Overhead Crane related injuries and deaths are on the rise just check out the following statistics from the US Bureau of Labor’s Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Research File. The census outlines fatal occupational injuries in 2012 by sector and industry. According to their statistics, 723 workers in the private industry sector died by coming into contact with moving objects and equipment Associated with Overhead and Gantry Cranes. In addition another 136 construction workers died the same way, along with 102 from the Manufacturing industry.

Any way you measure it, a good comprehensive safety plan that includes quality training followed by Overhead Crane Operator Certification for their daily operations will lower disability and lost time accidents as well as save big dividends towards a company’s overall operating costs. Safety professionals know that lost time accidents and disability injuries can be highly detrimental to the moral of their workforce. Companies can lose production and may face higher insurance premiums and possibly, state or federal safety violations or fines. Companies are realizing the risks. Our goal at Fulcrum Crane is to help them lower their potential for serious injury, property damage, and possible litigation.

The operation of these types of cranes requires much more than pushing and pulling levers. Technical knowledge and a high level of training are critical for a safe worksite. Many of those who own and operate Overhead Cranes too often see them as easy to operate units that require little or no specialized skill. That is generally the problem, remember all Overhead Cranes have the potential to kill or seriously injure. Overhead Crane Operators have a tremendous amount of responsibility lifting and placing loads in and around rigging personnel and often times, handling very expensive items. Their jobs require them to place loads with tight tolerances next to valuable equipment and components.

Overhead and Gantry Cranes present their own unique challenges in the workplace, in comparison to mobile cranes. Our program was specifically designed to address those safety issues. Often the crane operator is the rigger and the crane operator, exposing them to many hazards all at the same time.

Our Overhead and Gantry Crane Operator Qualification Program is a multimedia event shown on 2 large screens. Students follow along in their own 150 page Full Color Student Manual. Our instructor will present all 13 sessions using Power Point packed with great photography and graphics providing an excellent dynamic presentation.

Students will follow each session in their own Overhead and Gantry Crane Training Manual written by and instructed in person by Danny Thiemens, one of North America’s most respected trainers and authors. Each of the thirteen sessions will be instructed by the Author himself followed by his own written test questions, all presented much like those found on a National Examination. All participants will receive the most recent copy of ASME B30.2 Safety Standard for Overhead and Gantry Cranes as reference and study material. Candidates will hear the material, write it, and do it again.

We consider the success of every student our responsibility and a direct reflection of the quality of training we deliver. We would like an opportunity to help you through the Overhead and Gantry Crane Operator Certification program. WE GUARANTEE  YOUR SUCCESS!

This is a robust professional Articulating Boom Crane Operator Training Program any way you measure it. Great graphics and pictures throughout all 13 sessions keeps you interested and looking forward for more.

Our Main Course Objectives

History of Cranes

Learn how the cranes have evolved over thousands of years. People have used innovative ways of lifting really heavy objects and bringing them where they are needed, as demonstrated at Stone Hedge, the Pyramids of Giza and countless ancient sites around the world. Learn how the cranes then evolved into the cranes we use today. See how the accident rates and fatalities increased as the cranes became more sophisticated.


Personal Protection

Because in the Overhead and Gantry Crane industry the crane operator is often times the crane operator delivering the load, the rigger hitching up the load, and often the person landing the load, there is a very high accident rate involving slips, trips and falls that occur. During this session, safeguards protecting the crane operator and all those around the crane are discussed.

Crane Operator Responsibilities

Whether or not the crane owner or users are the same entity, their responsibilities are essentially the same. In this session, students learn their own responsibilities as well as the responsibilities of others involved with the lift. Sample test questions are reviewed.

Crane Laws & Regulations

Federal Occupational Safety and Health Standards (OSHA), as well as State and local regulations for the construction industry, particularly those that involve craning equipment, are reviewed during this session. Industry safety standards and their recommendations are explored.  A virtual test is included. Class participants also discuss the division of responsibilities between the contractor, the operator, and other on-site personnel and how to operate the equipment within the manufacturer’s guidelines. Students write information into their student workbook.

Crane Terminology, Crane Types and Definitions

A review of the terms and their definitions commonly used in the industry and as described in ASME B30.2 Safety Standard for Overhead and Gantry Cranes is provided. Also discussed is the use of the many attachments available, their advantages and limitations. Since Overhead and Gantry Crane components are overhead, hard to see and often hard to identify, we have made this a fun and interactive session. We match up pictures with the components and then explain why. Components are reviewed virtually as well as sample test questions administered.

Crane Inspections

A good crane operator is always alert to the condition of the crane and the pre-operational inspections becomes a routine and constant check of that condition. The purpose of pre-operational inspections are discussed. The main types of inspections are reviewed and the items that should be checked in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications are discussed. A sample written examination is presented virtually on camera.

Periodic Inspections may be regularly scheduled on a monthly quarterly annual basis

OSHA 1910.179(a)(47)
Magnet means an electromagnetic device carried on a crane hook to pick up loads magnetically.

OSHA 1910.179(a)(26)
The current collector works as an electrical conductor between the electrode and external circuits as well as support for the coating of the electrode materials.

Types of Cranes

There are 6 main types of Overhead and Gantry Cranes. During this session we take our students thru a virtual tour of all the Crane types and were they may be found in this industry and how they are used.

Cab-Operated Overhead Crane

A cab-operated crane is a crane controlled by an operator in a cab located on the bridge or trolley.

Overhead Crane means a crane with a movable bridge carrying a movable or fixed hosting mechanism and traveling on an overhead fixed runway structure.

Lightning in the Area

Since some Gantry Cranes operate outdoors we have included a special area into the safeguards regarding lightning. The information provided here is designed to give the crane operator better information to make a good decision if lightning is within striking distance and if work should stop, and then again when it is safe to resume.

Wire Rope Used in Craning

Various types of wire rope used in the craning industry for both hoisting and rigging applications are dealt with in this presentation. Procedures for identifying, applying, and maintaining wire rope are presented, as well as inspection techniques and removal from service criteria. A virtual multiple choice examination is administered.

Sling Application

During this presentation and in-class exercises, participants learn how to select, inspect and apply various types of slings, including wire rope, synthetic, chain and mesh sling. Students learn how to determine the safe working load that can be applied to them. The effect that the sling’s angle to the load has on its rated capacity is discussed, and calculations are made to determine actual safe working loads or working load limits.


The importance of clear and concise communication between the crane operator, signal person and rigger to ensure the safety of the lift are discussed. Standard International hand signals are introduced. The use of radio contact is also explored. A virtual written examination is included. The Instructor will demonstrate on camera how to properly use hand signals.

Crane Hook Inspection

Several considerations that apply to hooks and observances of them are discussed. Inspection criteria and removal from service are reviewed in detail. What steps that must be taken if damage is found are some of the many items reviewed, including the criteria of the need of a safety latch. An extensive written examination follows the lecture.

Also covered in this area is information on how to properly adjust Limit Switches and Hoist Brakes.

Making the Lift

The procedures and precautions that should be observed whenever loads are to be handled are reviewed in detail. Some lifts require a written lift plan and a lift director in charge of the operation. All those provisions are discussed and followed by a series of test questions for the participant in the classroom.

Determining Load Weights

The first and most important step in any rigging operation is the determination of the weight of the load. Students learn and discuss those steps. This segment emphasizes the importance of knowing the location of the load’s center of gravity to assist in the selection of the proper rigging necessary to produce a “stable” load when lifted. It is also important to recognize what happens to the center of gravity of a load once the load is lifted into the air. This session deals with various types of rigging hardware commonly used in the craning industry. Identification, inspection procedures, application and removal from service criteria are presented through hands-on demonstrations. Sample test questions are completed following this lecture.


  • Caught Between
  • Struck by Object
  • Falls
  • Electrocutions

NCCCO Written Examinations and Practical Examinations

During our initial administration procedures we will assist our course participants to complete all applications necessary for the National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) written and practical examinations for Articulating Boom Cranes. The written examination is a stand alone test and should not be confused with other NCCCO programs. Please visit www.nccco.org for more information.

NCCCO Practical Examinations

NCCCO practical examinations will be coordinated to take place at the convenience of the candidate. Examinations generally last about one hour and can take place before or after NCCCO written examinations. We can schedule practice time and consultation using your company’s crane, at your convenience. Please visit our special area on this site regarding crane operator practical examinations and workshops. Learn more by visiting www.nccco.org.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

If for whatever reason any candidate that is not successful in completing any part of the NCCCO written examination, we will consult them and provide further instructions at no extra charge. Please see our “No One Left Behind Policy”. We fully realize many of our candidates have not been in a classroom in many years. Our job is to lower test anxiety and have our graduates do well. Everyone leaves feeling great, and as if their experience was one of the best they ever had.

NCCCO has no obligations to this guarantee